组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A hungry fox was looking for food. He saw a frog in front of him, and thought," Ah ha! A frog! My dinner!" So he rushed at the frog.

Behind the fox was a turtle. The turtle saw what the fox was doing, and bit the fox's tail. "Ouch!" cried the fox, and looked back to see the turtle.

The frog heard the fox's voice, and jumped into the water. "Thank you, little turtle." said the frog. But the fox was angry at the turtle.

"I'll throw you into the sky!" said the fox. "Thank you! I like flying in the sky." said the turtle. "Then I'll throw you into the river." said the fox. "Oh, no! Not the river. I'm afraid of the water." said the turtle. The fox quickly threw the turtle into the river.

The turtle looked back, and said, "Thank you, Mr Fox! Bye bye!" And the turtle and the frog swam away together.
