组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

①Chocolate is very popular all over the world. For example, English people eat about 10 kg of it a person every year. And both men and women there like eating chocolate. Women buy more chocolate than men. However, it doesn't mean women eat more. They give some of it to friends and family as a gift. Men buy less chocolate than women. But they usually eat it all themselves. Most men like eating chocolate better than driving in a sports car. Most women enjoy spending an evening eating chocolate more than going shopping.

②Why do people like chocolate so much? Scientists say that chocolate can make you feel physically good. It is sweet and delicious. But if you eat a lot of chocolate. you may become fat and it is not good for your teeth, So chocolate makes you feel good ________________ you often feel bad about eating too much of it because you know it's not good for you.
