组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    My name is Sally.When I was ten years old.I had a lot of friends.But looking back now,my best friend was someone I never really thought of as my friend,Rina.

Rina is four years older than I.She and I lived in the same neighbourhood(社区).She went to an art and dance school in the city.Every afternoon when I played in the yard(院子)with my brother Kevin.I would see her walking home from the train station.

    During the weekend,there was always something to do,thanks to Rina.She was good at drawing,so she would teach me and my brother how to draw.She also made up excellent games with interesting characters for us to play.Sometimes,Kevin taught Rina and me basketball and I taught them guitar.

    One day,I was sitting in the yard.It was my birthday,but I was sad.Rina appeared and gave me a CD and a picture she had drawn for me.I was really surprised.To this day, I still don't know how Rina remembered my birthday,but I'm glad she did;

    Now I'm seventeen and I'm in high school.When I get home from the train station,I always see Alex, the little boy who lives down the street,and his sister Jenny.Sometimes I make up games for them to play.And sometimes I teach them how to draw.I'm happy to watch Alex and Jenny laugh and play.It makes me think of Rina,a girl who left many wonderful memories(回忆)in my heart.

