Besides preparing for next Olympic Games in Tokyo, Chinese volleyball star Zhu Ting now has another mountain to climb—to get a master's degree in history at Beijing Normal University.
One of the most recognizable faces in Chinese sport, Zhu said thatthecOVID-19 outbreak had a big influence on the Chinese team's build-up toTokyo2020 as all international competitions have been cancelled because ofit." But we are still training hard. And it appeared a good chance for usto get down to our own weaknesses, "said Zhu." We hope that theOlympic Games will be held successfully because we have been fighting for thisfor four years."
Zhu wants to be more than just a well-known name to sports fan. ★ .
"Hopefully I can improve myself through studies here, "Zhusaid in an interview. "I can't wait to experience university culture."
When asked about the challenges in the study, Zhu said she would achieveacademic(学术的) goals without influencing her training."I am so looking forward to my college life," Zhu said.