组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    It's important to keep your bedroom clean. Your bedroom is the place where you lie down and get some rest. Here is some advice about the cleaning.

Step 1: Find all the tools (工具) you need before the cleaning. In this way, you can clean the room more quickly and easily.

Step 2: Throw all the dirty clothes into the washing machine to do the washing. Fold and hang all your clean clothes again.

Step 3: Pick up all the rubbish and throw it into a rubbish bin.

Step 4: Make the bed. It can change the look of your room and makeitmore inviting.

Step 5: Pick up all the misplaced(放错位置的) things on the floor, bed, desk and so on and put them all in a big bag. You can put them back one by one later.

Step 6: Sweep the floor. Put all the tools back to their own places and it's the last thing for your cleaning.
