组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Laura is my cousin. She works at a radio station. She thinks it's an interesting job. Today I will 1you about her life.

    Laura says she is very busy 2Monday to Friday. She usually gets up at 6: 30 and exercises for half an hour. She has a nice breakfast at 7: 15. After that, she goes   

to3. She has lunch at the station. She usually gets home at about 7: 00 p. m. Then she4dinner and has it at about 8: 00 p. m. Then she watches TV with her cat. At about ten, she goes to bed.

    On weekends, she is5. On Saturdays, she either plays ping­pong6goes swimming. They are relaxing for her. What does she usually do on 7? She always goes to the art club. She is good at8. I ask her, "You like art.

    9 not be an artist (艺术家)?" She says, "I like to talk to people through (通过) the10. I can help more (更多) people in this way (用这种方式). "
