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When you think of a desert(沙漠), what do you think of? Maybe you think of the Mojave Desert in America or the Sonoran Desert in Arizona. Maybe you think of the Sahara Desert in Africa. All of these deserts are in hot weather. These deserts are near the equator(赤道)and they stay hot all year round. But not all the deserts are hot. You will also find cold deserts in Greenland, Mongolia and other parts of Asia. Coastal deserts are near the sea. They may get more rain than other deserts, but they are still very dry.

Fun Facts

●There is little rain in deserts, these areas usually have cloudless skies.

●Even hot deserts get cold at night. The cloudless skies allow heat to run away.

●Trees and plants must adapt (适应)to living in the desert. Most plants and trees have thorns (刺)to stop animals from eating them. They may also have thick, fleshy leaves to store water.

●Animals must also adapt if they are to live in the desert Snakes and other desert animals are well adapted to living in the desert. They dig holes under the ground when they get too warm.
