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Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Guinness has seen many new records. Actually, the idea of collecting interesting records came to Sir Hugh Beaver in the 1950s when he was the managing director of Guinness Brewery. This year, lots of sportsmen tried to set records though most sports were cancelled.

Jed Hockin, who is from Australia, is a famous young soccer star. Jed has got his fourth Guinness World Record. He now holds an official record for juggling(抛接) toilet paper with his foot 84 times in 30 seconds. Next, Jed plans to beat the record of 11,901 soccer touches in an hour. "I am looking forward to breaking more Guinness World Records," Jed wrote in an email.

The skilled Australian isn't the only sportsman setting records while unable to play regular sports. David Rush, from the US, became the fastest one to put on 10 T-shirts, taking only 15.61 seconds. David has already held many records. For example, he broke the record of the most juggling catches on a unicycle(独轮车) while his eyes were covered. "I loved watching the Guinness World Record specials on TV," said David. "I wasfascinatedand wanted to have a try myself."

Then there is Dr. Vikas Saini, another sportsman, who could put on 10 different socks very quickly (9.23 seconds) when he sat on the floor in his home in India. Guinness officials have noticed more record tries from homes and gardens. They've received applications(申请书) for different kinds of records. "We are inside, but we still want to encourage people to be creative and lift people's spirits. So we continue to provide people with a chance so that they can learn about and try to set world records," records manager Chrissy Fernandez said. "Guinness would like to keep people joining us and having fun because being inside can be a little boring."
