组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Mr. Lee is a teacher. He isstrictwith his students. He asks them not to be late for school. Never! Sometimes the students are late and Mr. Lee is not happy.

This morning, Mr. Lee gets up at 7:40. Oh no! He must be late for class. Mr. Lee doesn't have breakfast or take a shower. He runs to the bus stop quickly. Many people are at the stop, but there is no bus for Mr. Lee to take. So Mr. Lee takes the taxi (出租车).

Mr. Lee works at No.15 Middle School, but the taxi takes him to No.50 Middle School. At last, Mr. Lee gets to school at 8:35.

"I'm sorry, boys and girls. I'm late for school today," Mr. Lee says to his students. "Everyone can make mistakes(错误). From today on, I don't ask you never to be late for school. Please do your best not to be late. Can you do it?"

"Yes, we can," the class says happily.
