组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

My name's Blackie. I have a special job. I help a boy, Sam. Because he cannot see.

Every day I take Sam to school. I am with Sam at school all day. In P.E. classes, I always walk and run next to Sam. I don't want Sam to fall down! I like Sam's music class a lot. All the children sing, so I sing with them. Everyone thinks I am very funny.

After school I take Sam to buy an ice-cream.He always gives me some of his ice-cream.I love ice-cream! Then we walk home or take the bus. The people on the bus always tell me, "Good boy!"

In the evening, I sit next to Sam's chair to watch him. He eats dinner and then he does his homework. After dinner, we sit together to listen to the stories by mom. It's the happiest time in a day. At night, Sam sleeps in his bed. I sleep on the floor next to him. I don't want to leave him! It's my job to look after him, and he is my best friend!
