组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Long ago, there lived a king. He was quite lazy. He never cared about his people, so people in his1were not satisfied with him.

One day, the king went into the forest to hunt(打猎). After some time, he became2. He wanted to find some water, so he came to a lake. There he saw a swan(天鹅) land on a rock nearby." I should3the swan !" he thought.

But as soon as the4came to his mind, the swan was gone. Then the king heard a voice, " I am the swan. If you want to catch me, you must came to heaven(天堂)."

Surprised, the king asked, "Can you show me the5to heaven?"

"Serve your people well, and soon your dream will come true," the swan6.

With this in mind, the king dressed up and went out to the streets. He tried to give some money to a7old man. But the old man was angry and said," Do you know why I'm so poor like this? I's because of our king! He has done nothing for us."8, the king heard the swan's voice again." It seems that you're doing good only9you want to go to heaven. That's not right. You must do good out of goodness of your heart," the swan said.

The king10that this was true. After that, he worked hard and knew that making his country a happy place to live was like making a heaven of his own.
