组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A little pine tree(松树) had no leaves. It had needles(松针).The little tree said, "I don't like needles. I want pretty leaves just like others. But I will have better leaves. I want gold leaves."

Night came and the little tree went to sleep. A fairy(精灵) came by and gave it gold leaves. When the little tree woke up, it had leaves of gold. It said, "Oh, I am so pretty! No other tree has gold leaves." A man came by. He took all the gold leaves away. The poor little tree cried, "I don't want gold leaves again. I want to have glass leaves."

When the little tree went to sleep, the fairy came again and put the glass leaves on it." How pretty they look in the sunshine! No other tree is so bright, "the little tree said happily. Then a wind came up. The glass leaves all fell down and got broken. Again the little tree had no leaves. It was very sad, and said," I will not have gold leaves or glass leaves. I want green leaves like others."

And the little tree went to sleep. When it woke up, it had green leaves. A sheep came by. He was so hungry that he ate all the leaves. Then the little tree said, "I will not have green leaves, nor glass leaves, nor gold leaves. I like my needles best."

So you see, being yourself is very important.
