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There is something different in this week's blog. Let's look at some birthday customs around the world.

Harry Baker, Perth, Australia

It's my birthday next Wednesday. I'm going to be 10 years old.  in my country. My mom's going to make me a huge plate of fairy bread. It's a snack. We make it with bread, butter, and colorful sugar called "Hundreds and thousands".

Jim Dixon, Montego Bay, Jamaica

I love birthdays! They are a lot of fun. Here in Jamaica, we have an old custom. Guess what we do? We throw flour(面粉)at our friends! It's my best friend's birthday tomorrow.  I'm going to buy a lot of flour to throw at him.

Victoria Smith, London, the UK

My grandmother is going to be 100 years old in June. She's very excited because she's going to get a special letter from the Queen. The Queen sends a letter to every person who reaches 100.

Jiang Li, Beijing, China

In my country, we celebrate birthdays with a special type of food. Noodles are a sign of long life for us. This year, I'm going to make some " long-life noodles " for all my friends. and have a great evening.

A. I'm going to go to the store soon.

B. It's a tradition that makes people very happy.

C. We like to surprise people on their birthdays.

D. we're going to eat them together

E. We always eat fairy bread on our birthdays.
