组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Krishna is a girl  from India ( 印度) She  usually walks  to school.

That's interesting. There are some of her photos on the Internet ( 互联网). Many people know her.

Anana, the head of a big company (公司), also hears about (听说) Krishna. "I want a picture of her and horse as my screen saver (屏保)," Anana says. "  "

Krishna rides to school on a small white horse(马). It is from her father. She loves it very much. "

Only on big days, I ride my horse to school. One of the big days is my test day," Krishna saysHe says only women like the Queen (王后) can ride it.  She says Why can't a girl ride a horse?

A. She is a great girl

B. But Krishna doesn't think so

C. But sometimes she rides a horse.

D. It takes her long time to get to school

E. I don't go to school on my horse every day.

F. One of Krishna's classmates wants to stop Krishna
