组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
根据知文内容, 从 A、B、D 四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。

It was December 30th. Anna and Alex were helping Mom make banana cakes. They cut up the 1 put the eggs and sugar in the flour (面粉), poured the milk in and mixed them all up.

When they were almost done, Anna asked, "Mom, why are we making so many cakes?" "I want to take some over to Mrs. Brown 2 the street, "said Mom. "Her husband died of a serious illness a few days ago. She only has her dog Wangwang in the house."

Mom put the cakes in the oven (烤箱) and the children helped3the mess. The cakes were finally done. They all waited4 until the cakes cooled down. Then they put some on a plate and headed to the opposite house.

When Mrs. Brown opened the door, Anna said, "Mrs. Brown, we have brought you some banana cakes. ""Thank you.5smell delicious, "Mrs. Brown said, "Wangwang and I are feeling a little6these days. It's kind of you to come. "

"Would you like to 7us tomorrow for New Year's dinner?" asked Mom. "Take Wangwang, too. ""Well I'm not sure, "said Mrs. Brown. "Please say yes, "said Alex. "Come to our house,8it will be great fun," said Anna.

Anna was 9. They never had such a pleasant dinner. Mrs. Brown thanked them for inviting Wangwang and her, saying she felt better.10was doubled when shared.
