组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

"Clear your plate. Say no to waste." It means do not waste a grain of food. Food waste has become a big problem these days. According to the United Nations, 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted every year—that's about a third of the world's total food. In China alone the restaurants wasted I7 to 18 million tons of food a year from 2013 to 2015. That could feed 30 to 50 million people for a whole year.

To reduce the waste, People have taken measures to control food waste. In Shaanxi province, restaurants were asked to serve half portions(半份)to avoid waste. The Wuhan Catering Association(餐饮协会) suggested that restaurants use the "N-1 mode". For example, a group of 10 diners should only order enough for nine people at first. If people can't finish their meals, they are also encouraged to take the leftovers(剩菜)home. On WeChat, a mini-program called "Clear Plate" invites people to exchange pictures of their empty plates for credit points(信用分). People can use the credit to buy things or give food to children in poor areas.

"We hope our efforts can start a new trend among the younger generation, encouraging them to carry out the virtue(美德) of cherishing food and developing the habit of thrift," said Liu Jichen, developer of the mini-program.
