组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Last year I decided to do some volunteer work. I began to 1 on the Internet and discovered Volunteer USA. Three months later I 2 myself on a plane to Phoenix, Arizona. I was scared at the thought of living with lots of 3 people for three months. However, within fifteen minutes of arriving, my 4 had gone. Everyone was so friendly and like-minded that it was very 5 to feel at home.

 I was sent to the Coronado National Forest for my first 8-day project. We had to 6 everything we needed and walk three miles to where we worked. It may not seem like a  7 way but in 35℃ heat and with a heavy pack, my legs were on fire.

 My 8 was to build a stairway (台阶) out of rock. This meant climbing up and down the side of a mountain inhabited (栖息) by mountain lions, 9 I should say they were only heard, never seen.

Three days later, a beautiful stairway came into being. I got such a strong feeling of 10  when I knew that my work will be on that mountainside for many years.

But on the last night we were 11 in a rainstorm. I woke up at midnight to find a swimming pool in my tent. The temperature was close to 12. It was so cold that I had to spend the rest of the night trembling (颤抖) in the only 13 part of my tent.

Needless to say, I suffered a lot. But I know whatever I have to 14 in my life I was there and I survived. I think I am much 15 for having taken part in the project.
