组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

For me, one Christmas stands out from all the others, and I will never forget it. That1Christmas began on a rainy day in the worst year of my life. I had no money, no job, and was on my way to 2 a job. I sat down in the streetcar and there against the seat was a beautiful silk 3 with a silver handle. I had never seen 4 so lovely. I examined the handle and saw a 5 on it. I found the name from a telephone book. Then I called and a woman answered. To her surprise, it was her umbrella, which was given by her parents as a birthday present. She was 6 excited that she wanted to invite me to her house and thank me in person. At her house, she took the umbrella 7 her eyes filled with tears. When I left, she took down 8 address.

The next six months were terrible. I was able to get only short­term jobs. Badly, my last job ended the day 9 Christmas. And the money I had could only 10 to get, Peggy, my little girl, a small tree without any decoration on it.

The air was full of the sound of Christmas merriment as I walked from the streetcar to my small apartment. I felt so 11 and lonely. But I tried very hard to 12 a smile to greet my daughter.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang and Peggy ran 13 to answer it, calling that it must be Santa Claus. It was a delivery man, and his arms were full of boxes. We were so 14 and opened them, a lovely doll, gloves, candy and a beautiful handbag. Unbelievable!They are all from the kind woman who owned 15 umbrella. After we decorated the little tree, a sweet peace flooded me. I became confident to face life again.
