组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

April Showers Bring May Flowers

From the golden fields of America

to the ancient kingdoms of Palestine,

there is a happy truth to be shared with:

April showers bring May flowers.

5 This is a truth that promises

light bursting from darkness,

strength born from weakness,

and life emerging from death.

Farmers all over the world know:

10 there is a season to plant

and a season to harvest;

everything must be done in its own time.

The rain pours down,

the man of the field smiles.

15 He knows the rain in the month of April,

gives rise to the growing crops of May.

April showers bring May flowers

it is an invaluable message of hope.

When you are in a season of sadness,

20 a season of ________ is around the corner.
