组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

When I was a 9-year-old boy, I once decided to run away from home. With some bread in my 1, I started for the front door and said to Mom, "I'm leaving. "

"If you want to 2, that's all right, "she said, "but you came into this home with nothing and you can leave the same way. "I threw my schoolbag on the floor3 and started for the door again.

"Wait a minute, " Mom said, "You didn't wear 4when you were born. " This really made me get mad. I 5 my clothes—jacket, shoes, socks, underwear and all, shouting, "Can I go now?" "Yeah, "Mom answered, "but if you close that door, don't come back again. "

I was so 6that I shut the door and started again. When I stepped out, I suddenly realized that I was outside with no clothes on. Then I saw three girls walking towards our house. I ran to 7 behind a big tree quickly. After a while, I was sure the girls had walked away. I rushed to the front door and knocked on it loudly.

"Who's there?" I heard. "It's Mike! Let me 8! "

The voice behind the door answered, "Mike doesn't live here anymore. He ran away from home"

I begged, "Mom! Mom! I'm 9 your son. Don't keep me out of the door!" Mom 10the door with a smiling face. "Did you change your mind?" she asked. "What's for dinner?" I answered.
