组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Dear son,

Haven't seen you for some time. These days our sweet moments keep running into my mind. I think there can be magic in the touch of a hand that loves you. Since you were born, I remembered, as a 1 , you reached for me whenever you were hungry or just needed to be held. Sometimes, 2 you woke at night, just the touch of my hand would make you back to sleep. My hands picked you up when you fell, and I gave you a big hand 3 at your sports games. That's the magic in the touch of a hand with love

As you grew older, I 4 that you didn't hold my hand much any more. I told myself it was part of growing up, and I should just be 5 you could do things on your own now But when I've been needed so much for such a long time, it's hard to step 6 and feel unnecessary

On that day, 1 was visiting you in your city. As we were about to cross a 7 street that was fled with traffic, you took my hand suddenly and shouted, "Hang on to me, Mom," then 8 me safely across. At that moment, I realized that my boy became a man and our roles changed. We still needed each other, but in different ways

My dear son, you have taught me to depend on 9 just as you once depended on me The loving hands "touch" us, even if we live miles away That's because there is always a silent 10 between us that says, "I am here and you are not alone."


