组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Once, there were two hard-working children, Che Yin and Sun Kang. They loved reading, but their families were poor and couldn't afford lamp oil (灯油) for the children to study at night. Howdid they get over the difficulty? Here are their stories.

Che Yin's story began on a hot summer night. He saw fireflies (萤火虫) flying and an idea came into his mind. He caught some fireflies in a cloth bag and hung it up as a lamp. He spent all of his summer nights reading like this.

The other story happened in winter. Sun Kang woke up on a cold night. He saw the moon shine so brightly on the snow and it made the night brighter. "I can read with the light!" he thought. So he took his books outside and read, even though it was very cold.

Later, Che Yin and Sun Kang became successful. Their stories were turned into Chinese wordsnangying yingxue. Difficulties cannot stop young minds from learning. If there is a will, there is always light on the road to knowledge.
