组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

We all need food. But when you can't finish your meal, how do you 1 ? You might think that wasting 2 food isn't a big deal. The truth is that people in China waste 35 million tons of food each year. It's nearly one third of food waste in the world. As we all know, food waste becomes a 3 problem in China.

In order to 4 food waste, the government has started the "Clean Plate Campaign (运动)". Especially in restaurants, we can see 5 of the "Clean Plate" on the wall. Many restaurants remind their customers that they shouldn't 6 too much food. According to the law passed in April, 2021, if the restaurants always mislead (误导) customers to order too many dishes, they will face a fine (罚款). Restaurants in Wuhan have begun the N-l system, which means groups of customers are supposed to order one fewer dish than the number of people in the group. For example, a group of 7 people can order 7 dishes at most. Most restaurants provide customers with free packing boxes (打包盒), and customers can use 8 to take the leftovers (剩饭剩菜) home.

Today, more and more people start to realize the importance of 9 food. Everyone should play a part in the "Clean Plate Campaign" and say 10 to food waste.
