组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

My father is a 1. He makes delicious food for the workers in a factory. The workers love him very much. I also love him, 2 sometimes he can be "stupid".

One day, I went 3 with him. When we got home, he wanted to know how much money we had spent in the shop. Suddenly, he told me something was 4. We got 50 yuan more than we should. "That's great! You can buy me the 5 book," I said. My father said nothing but asked me to go back to the shop together. I didn't want to go back because 6 knew it. It was stupid to go back.

"It will not be 7! Being honest is very important," my father shouted at me 8. I looked into his 9 and knew he was right.

When we gave back the money, the salesgirl thanked us a lot. On our way home, my father stopped me and 10, "Do you still want that cartoon book?" I looked at my "stupid" father and replied loudly, "Dad, you're the greatest!"
