组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Usually I wouldn't cross the park at this time of night. But walking around the park would take more time, and it was raining so hard that I couldn't even see clearly what was right before me. So I entered the park. And that wasthe first stupid thingI did tonight.

Soon after I walked into the park. I saw a man under a tree up ahead. My heart fell. The stories I'd heard about the park were all coming into my head at this moment. Anyone with a clear mind would just turn back. But me? No. I didanother stupid thing: I decided to hurry past him.

Just when I was passing the man, he raised his head and gave me the strangest smile ever. I got scared and started running. "Hey" the man shouted from behind. "Wait" He was running after me!

I ran like crazy. I had hoped the trees would keep some rain off. And they did. But they also made the park look even darker. I couldn't see what was ahead of me. Then, I ran into something. It was the man!

"Don't kill me!" I cried.

"What? I was trying to give back your bag! Youdroppedit" The man gave me my bag.

Now, I felt saying that to the man wasthe stupidest thingI did tonight.
