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Chang'e-5 Back Home

In an ancient Chinese story, a beautiful goddess named Chang'e flew to the moon alone. It was a sad story because she never came back home.

However, another Chinese "Chang'e" just came back. After weeks of space travel, the Chang'e-5 lunar probe(月球探测器)came home on December 17th, 2020. It landed successfully in Siziwang banner in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region. The whole flight took more than 20 days.

Chang'e-5 brought back rocks and soil from the moon. They are the world's freshest lunar rocks in over 40 years. China has become the third country in the world to successfully bring back rocks from the moon, after the US and the former Soviet Union.

The return of Chang'e-5 was the last step in China's three-step lunar exploration program(探月工程). It began in 2004, including orbiting, landing, and bringing back samples, Xinhua News Agency reported. To work together with other countries, China has planned to send some rocks to scientists from all over the world.

Going to the moon has been a dream for Chinese people, and the story of Chang'e has been told through the ages. Now, Chang'e-5 has helped Chinese people realize the dream.
