组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Your mom does a lot of housework, and you'd really like (help)her out. Here (be)some advice for you. Caring for your own space. Try to keep your room clean. If you make a mess, (clean) it up as soon as possible.

    (share) some of your mom's tasks (工作). Find out what tasks you could do. It depends on your age. Children can begin to take care of their own washing from around the age of 8.

    Help out with(make) dinner. You may not cook a big dinner, but you can try to make a simple lunch.

    Organizing a "Mom's Day Off". Choose a day to do all chores with your dad and your sister or brother. Let your mom (enjoy)a relaxing day.

    Being active. Ask your mom what you can help with. She probably has advice for things you (do) for her. If she (ask) for your help, don't refuse. She wouldn't ask if she didn't need your help.  (not wait)until she tells you or asks to do something. Always help your mom, and she (be) very happy.
