组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

"Mom's birthday is tomorrow," says Arizona, Tex and Indi's big sister. "Do you want to help me make a super-special(级特别的)birthday card?"

"Or what about making a super-special birthday breakfast?" says Tex.

"No, let's make up a super-special birthday song," says Indi.

"We always do your ideas (主意), " says Tex to Indi. "We never do my ideas"

"No, we always do your ideas," says Indi. "We never do my ideas"

"You two are being silly (愚蠢的), "says Arizona. "If we             we can do all of our ideas."

So they work together to make a super-special birthday card first.

Then they work together to make up a super-special birthday song.

And the next morning, they work together to make a super-special birthday breakfast.

"Wow!" says Mum. "A yummy breakfast, a nice birthday card, and the best birthday song. How do you three do all of these?"

"Easy," said Indi. "We just work together!"
