组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

I'm Nick. Reading is my favourite hobby, 1my parents bring Luka to read to me.

Luka is a robot and it looks like an owl (猫头鹰). Owls are2animals. So does Luka. It can read all the children's books. Put a storybook in front of it, and it can read the—3to you. Put a picture in front of it, and it can 4you what there are in it. Luka is helpful. It is 5there when I want to talk. "Hi, Luka!" I say,  "Hi, Nick! Can I6you?" Luka says.

Luka can 7many languages like Chinese, English and German. And it is a great8 , too. After reading, I'd like to ask it to sing a song for me.

Some Chinese engineers made Luka. They9to let Luka read to kids from all over the world. Would you like to10Luka home?I'm sure you will love it.
