组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Do you have the feeling that there is too much pressure on you? Do you lose sleep at night because of your study? Do you think your time is not enough1you have so many things to do?2 a teenager, you may have these problems. But don't worry about that because everyone 3 stress at times.4you cannot keep away from stress, you can keep it under control.

5can you do to deal with stress?

First, be realistic (现实的). Don't try to be perfect because no one is perfect. And expecting6to be perfect can add to your stress level too. If you need help on something, like schoolwork, ask for it.

Second, learn to relax. When you feel7, you can stop for a while and listen to gentle music. It can help you relax. And it's a good choice8 a relaxing bath after a whole day's hard work. You may also read a good book, make time for a hobby, or a pet can 9to make you feel relaxed.

Third, treat your body well. Experts agree that exercising 10 helps people manage stress. And eating well 11 help your body get the right fuel (燃料) to beat its best. It's easy for you to eat 12 food or eat too much when you stress out (压力过大). But it cannot help to reduce your stress.

What's more,13 the little problems. Learning to work out everyday problems can give you a sense of control. Develop skills to calmly face 14problem, make a choice, and take action toward a solution (解决办法). Feeling able to work out little problems builds the confidence to work out bigger 15 --it can improve your ability to deal with stress.
