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Da Mao and Er Shun, two pandas sent to Calgary Zoo in Canada in 2014, are going back to China two years earlier than the plan because of the COVID-19 outbreak( 新冠肺炎暴发). Calgary Zoo will also send their two (baby) back.

The animals only feed on fresh bamboo from China. , with the COVID-19 outbreak, people in China can't send the fresh bamboo to them by plane as usual. According to the zoo keeper, the pandas will not eat bamboo that is not fresh, so they decide (send) them back.

Some people on the Internet say the pandas live expensive life. (other) think these pandas are very fortunate because they have a home to return when they face difficulties. In fact, while the doctors (fight) with COVID -19 for humans, our panda researchers were worrying about the pandas abroad too. (luck), China has kept COVID-19 in control in most areas. China is (safe) place of all the countries in the world now.

COVID-19 is still so serious all countries are hoped to work hard to control the  situation so that the life of all human beings and animals can get back to normal soon.
