One day, a man sent a letter to his boss to ask for raise(涨薪). Here's what he wrote.
Dear David,
In this life, we all have something that we 1 the most. I think you should 2the needs of your workers. We have given so much support, includingsweat and service, to your3. I am sure you can guess what I mean and get back to4soon.
Yours sincerely,
The next day, he got this5 back:
Dear Norman,
I kNOw you are 6 very hard. NOwadays, NOthing much has changed(改变). But you should kNOw that our company( 公 司 )is NOt doing 7. NOw the newspapers are saying that the world's top economists(经济学家)believe the United States might go into another recession(经济衰退).After the NOvember presidential Election(总统大选), things might turn even worse. I have NOthing more to give NOw. You kNOw 8 I mean.
Yours truly,