组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Jason was a pottery lover and he was very interested in his grandmother's studio. So Jason was1when his grandmother Jessica invited him into her pottery studio and told him she would teach him how to make pottery.2, Jessica did not give all her grandchildren such a(n)3. Jason looked forward to sinking his hand into some cold clay and placing his bowl in the heated kiln(窑)4 it was as hard as a stone.

"Be 5with that," Jessica said to Jason when one of the bowls was 6by him. The boy carefully put the bowl back on the shelf and stuck his 7inside his pockets. He was afraid to get started on the lesson as he thought maybe he wouldn't complete 8. And he didn't want to lose that chance by 9any of her finished pieces of pottery.

Five hours later, Jason was disappointed and tired. His black work that looked more like a rock than a bowl,10 on the first try. Then he made another try but it was 11any better. However, he had at least known how to make a smooth opening in the center of the clay.

Meanwhile, Jessica was keeping 12. She quickly made a wide, shallow bowl and then a deep, narrow bowl and put them on the worktable. Her practiced hands 13one then another bowl.

"I'll never get 14!" Jason said, watching her work.

Jessica looked at her grandson and said. "Don't worry. You'll get it." she encouraged him.

"The only way you won't improve is if you 15."
