组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Welcome1 my home. We have2bedrooms. One is for my parents and the other(另一间) is for my sister and me. This is my parents' room. Their room is tidy, 3 our room is not. This is our room. 4and have a look. My sister and I are not 5girls. You can see our things everywhere in the6 — on the desk, under the beds, on the sofa. Look! 7 beds are in the middle of the room.

    This is my8. A red computer is on the desk. I9 e-mail my friends on it. And two white model planes are 10 the desk, too. They are my sister, Nancy's. Oh, here11 a black schoolbag on the chair. I don't 12it's Nancy's. She doesn't like black. Next to the desk is a yellow sofa. You can see two red13 on the sofa. The hats are mine. Oh, 14is my sister? Is she in our room now? No, she is 15 the library.
