组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A. Who is she?

B. She says she can not stand them sometimes.

C. No. she is two years younger than me.
D. Is she your cousin?

E. I want to choosc my own clothes.

F. What were you doing at the time of the snowstorm?

A: Hi, Grace! What a heavy snowstorm it was last night!

B: Yes, Bill.

A: I was doing my homework in my room. What about you?

B: I was talking on the phone with Gina.

A: Gina?

B: She is my cousin who comes from the USA.

A: Is she as old as you?

B: And she is now in Grade Seven.

A: Are there also lots of rules in her school?
B: Yes, there are.

A: Can she be allowed to choose her own clothes on school days?

B: No, she can't. But she told me that she liked her uniforms so much.

A: I see. However, I think our uniforms are ugly.

B: So do I. I have many beautiful clothes.
