组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

My name is Jim. My brother and I once went on a jungle holiday with another six people. It was an amazing experience and we saw lots of monkeys and huge snakes.

One morning, Peter and I wanted to take photos of monkeys, so we got up early and walked into the jungle. We didn't have to go far before we heard some monkeys. We were excited and followed them for about ten minutes. Suddenly, Peter stopped. He was worried. "I'm not going any farther , "he said, "We'll get lost."

We looked around us. There were trees everywhere. We had no idea how to get back to the campsite(营地), although it was not far from us. Then it started to rain. Luckily, I had a raincoat. we moved on slowly with the coat over our heads, scared and upset.

After two hours, we heard a noise. It was our tour guide, John. He was very angry. "You're very lucky to come back alive. " he said. But we were very happy. " We're never going to follow the monkeys again. "we promised. Everyone laughed.
