组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

gift  before  nothing  care  how  idea  every  we  encourage  discover

A man had a garden. He planted a rose and watered it    Before the rose blossomed(盛开), he noticed many thorns(刺) around the bud(花蕾) and he thought, "  can any beautiful flower come from a plant with so many sharp thorns?" Because of this  , he lost interest in this kind of plant, then he gave up watering the rose. And just  it was ready to blossom, it died.

Good qualities are just like roses. There is a rose in   spirit. The good qualities planted in us at birth, grow among the thorns — our weaknesses. Many of us look at  and we only see our weaknesses. We lose heart, thinking that good can possibly come from us. We give up watering the roses in us, and slowly they die. We never realize the   of being able to find out our good qualities.

Someone may not see the rose in himself, so we need to help him  the rose. With love, we can accept a person into our life, even though we know his true weaknesses. At the same time, we should   him to face his weaknesses bravely and correct them. Then he will blossom many times.
