组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Mark Twain was a popular American writer. He is a(humour) man. He liked playing jokes on people. But sometimes jokes. (play) on him.

For example, he was once invited to give a talk by the librarian of a small town one evening. When he arrived in the town, a young man told him that he had an uncle and he never laughed or smiled. "(bring)your uncle to my talk tonight, "said Mark Twain. "I'm sure that I can make him laugh. ""That's very kind of you, said the young man (happy). "I will That evening, the young man and his uncle sat at the front of the hall. Mark Twain watched them while he spoke. He told many stories. They made(someone) else in the hall laugh but the young man's uncle didn't laugh at all. In the end, Mark Twain gave up.

"It's really(possible) to make that man laugh! " he said to himself. Some days later, Mark Twain told a friend about what had happened. "Oh, I know that young man's uncle, "said his friend. "He(be) deaf for years. "
