组卷题库 > 小学英语试卷库

Busy bear and Lazy Bear are good friends. They play in the garden. It's spring. They're very happy. "I like spring." Says the Busy Bear. "Why do you like spring?" asks Lazy Bear.

"Because I can plant apple trees." Says Busy Bear.

Summer comes. Busy Bear waters his apple trees. Lazy Bear swims in the lake.

It's fall. Busy Bear eats many apples and put some apples in his house. But Lazy Bear fly kites and climb mountains. "My favourite season is fall." says Lazy Bear. "Why do you like fall best?" asks Busy Bear. "Because it's cool and windy. I can fly kites and climb mountains."

Winter comes. Busy Bear goes to sleep. But Lazy Bear wakes up. He is very hungry. He has nothing to eat.
