组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

The Music Club

Are you a fan(迷)of music? Can you play the guitar? We need a guitar player. Join our Sunshine Music Club. Please call Mike at 555-6598 or send an email to sunshine@qq.com for more information.

The Tennis Club

Do you like to play tennis? Do you want to learn how to play it better? Frank Miller is a good coach(教练). You can practice with him every Saturday afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30.

Telephone number:565-7867.

The Swimming Club

Are you a good swimmer? Do you like children? Can you teach them to swim on Sundays? If your answer is "Yes", come and join us. Please call Joe at 847-9299.

The Art Club

Can you draw pictures? Would you like to work for an art club? Come and work as an art teacher. We need your help. Please call Karen at 555-8283.
