组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    I have always been a bookworm. Here are my top four favourite children's books.

    Secret Seven-Erid Blyton

    If you love adventures, this book is for you. The story is about a group of child Detectives (侦探). They have many adventures. I's a fun book that you won't want to stop reading.

    Matilda-Roald Dahl

    This is one of girls' most favourite stories. Matilda is a lovely little girl. She meets the very scary teacher- Miss Trunehbull at school, but thankfully she also makes friends with a kind teacher. The book will have you crying one moment and laughing the next.

    Charlotte's Web-E. B. White

    I never thought I'd like a book about a spider so much. Charlotte's Web tells the story of friendship between a pig and a spider. It's a simple story but it teaches us about love, life and death. If you haven't read it, give it a try. It is classic after all.

    The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe-C. S. Lewis

    I really couldn't get enough of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. If you have read the magical story, you'll know why. It's an exciting tale that happened in a magical land called Narnia. When you're reading it, you'll feel like you're really there having the adventures with the four children.
