组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Some people think that wealth can give them happiness. They think money can usually1them a better life and make them feel happy. Others have the2idea. They think that money is not the most3. They need more things than just money to live a happy life. They think money can be good only when one knows4to use it.

    Money is important but it's not5. There are more important things, such as health, friends and family. I don't think one can be happy without a6body. We should have the goal to work hard and live a good life but we should also7to keep healthy. Also, money cannot get us8who truly care about us and are willing to share our feelings. Money cannot9us family happiness. As the saying goes, "Happy is he who is content." So friends, no matter if you're rich10poor, be content with what you have. This will make you feel happy all the time.
