组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Kate is an American girl. She(梦想)of travelling to China some day but she can't(付得起)it because her family isn't rich. She has a very good friend called Jenny. Jenny is from China. Her parents(搬家)to America ten years ago. Jenny often(邀请)Kate to have dinner in her house. Her mum is really good at cooking Chinese food. After staying in America for such a long time, she knows(几乎)everything about this country. She does well in all her lessons just like Kate. One day, Jenny ran to Kate's house. She was excited. "Good news for us! There will be a writing(比赛)in our city. The first(奖品)is a chance to travel to China for free! If we(参加)the activity and become the winners(获胜者), we can go to China together. I can show you around Beijing. You can't imagine how I(想念)my friends in China!" Both of the girls are excited and happy. They are now practising writing so hard and they're also(数)down days to visit China.
