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Have you ever wondered what is hiding deep in the ocean? Now, Victor Vescovo can tell the1. And he was sad by what he found.

Vescovo is from the United States. He dived(潜水) ten kilometres into the Pacific Ocean. He went2than anyone had gone before, only to discover rubbish.

Vescovo3plastic things there. One had writing on it." "It was very unhappy to see plastic things. It shows human4has reached the deepest point in the ocean,"Vescovo said.

Vescovo also found many5new animals. He saw some shrimp-like animals6long legs. There were also "sea pigs"". they look like the sea cucumbers(海参).

However, Vescovo said he cared most7about the plastic things. The ocean has long been used as a big dustbin. More than 100 million tons of8waste has been thrown into the ocean. This has caused a big problem. Whales and other sea animals are eating the plastic waste.

Vescovo hoped his discovery would9changes. He wanted more people to know plastic pollution. He said governments should do more to10further pollution. People shouldn't throw rubbish here and there.
