组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A woman was driving down a country road one day when she saw a child trying his best to lift a bale of hay(一大包干草) off the ground alone.

The woman stopped her car and went to the boy. "Hey, it seems that you're having a hard time moving that heavy bale of hay. Why don't you take a break? I can give you some water." the woman suggested.

"No, thank you." the boy replied." My dad said I needed to move the hay."

"Ah, but everyone can take a break if he wants to. Just take a few minutes to rest." the woman said.

"No, my dad said it's really important to move this hay as soon as possible." the boy said." Your father treats you so badly! Can you tell me where he is? I'd like to talk to him about that." the woman said angrily.

"Well," the boy replied, "he's under this bale of hay."
