组卷题库 > 小学英语试卷库

Do you use the Beauty Camera美颜相机)?

Sarah: Linda, is this your new mobile phone?

Linda: Yes. Its camera is very good.

Jane: Really? Let's take a photo together.

Linda: OK.

Jane: Wait You are not using the Beauty Camera.

Linda: Beauty camera?What is it?

Jane: Oh, dear! You don't know the Beauty Camera?Sarah, tel Linda about it.

Sarah: The Beauty Camera is an app. It makes your photos look more beautiful. Your eyes may look bigger and your face may look smaller. It's magic!

Linda: It's just a photo. I don't want to lie(撒谎)to myself.

Sarah: You are right. We shouldn't be like the emperor(皇帝)in the story of The Emperor's New Clothes.

Jane: OK. We won't use the Beauty Camera. Smiles make us more beautiful. Now let's smile together. One, two, three.

Jane&Sarah&Linda: Cheese!
