组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
根据短文内容和所给中文提示, 写出空白处各单词的正确形式。

If a box of strawberries go bad in your (冰箱), you may throw it away without thinking.  (然而), it's more than just strawberries that you are wasting.

The life of a strawberry starts from a seed. A farmer  (种植) it and waters it. Later people pick it and put it in a box. A truck takes it away to a supermarket. Time and money must  (花费) in order for a strawberry to come to you. If you waste the berry, you waste all of these things.

It's hard for people  (意识到) how much work goes into the food we eat every day. That makes food waste a big problem  (围绕) the world. Every year, 1. 3  (十亿) tons of food is wasted in the world.

In fact, many children in the world are in desperate need of food, and 3. 1 million of them die from  (饥饿) each year, according to the UN. The COVID﹣19 pandemic has made the situation even  (差的).

"Wasting food means wasting  (自然) resources and missing the opportunity to feed a growing population in the future, " said UN Food and Agriculture Organization Director﹣General Qu Dongyu. It's time to take action now.
