组卷题库 > 小学英语试卷库

Do you like sports? Here are some sports clubs for you.

Ball Game Club

Do you like ball games? We have basketball, soccer, volleyball and tennis for you. Let's play them together!

Sunday: 8:30 am~11:00 am

3:00 pro~6:00 pm

Telephone: 3428-1972

Roller Skating Club

Do you like roller skating? You can have a lot of new friends in our club. Students are 6—16 years old.

Saturday and Sunday evening: 7:00~I 0:00

Meet at Renmin Square

Telephone: 7482-0143

Cycling Club

Let's go out with our friends on our bikes. It's really cool and exciting.

Saturday mornings: 6:00~11:00

Start in the city park.

Email address: cycling@163.com

Kung Fu Club

Do you want to do Kung fu well? Come and join us!

Sunday evening: 6:00~8:00

Call us at 6289-2323
