组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

On the day of the science exam. I went to school bright and early. Like me, all my classmates were more1 than nervous since it was the last paper of the term.

Soon it was time to go into the exam hall. I went to my seat and took out my pencil case. The teachers then handed out the papers to us. When I was taking the 2, I felt very confident (自信的) that I would do well because I was able to answer3of the questions.

When the time was up, we 4 writing. As my science teacher was taking away my paper, I saw something that made my blood run cold. I had missed out the questions on the last page! I could not believe how 5I was. After all the time and hard work spent studying, I had made such a silly 6that would cost me at least ten marks. There was no one to blame(责备) but7.

When my mother came to pick me up, I ran into her arms and began to8loudly. My mother asked, "What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" I explained to her what had happened.9 the exam. To my surprise, my mother was not angry with me. She said," Everyone makes mistakes. Just make sure you learn from them. "From then on, I always made sure to10every page during exams. Never again would I make such a careless mistake.
