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Wang Yaping, China's second female astronaut who is now on a six-month mission onboard the country's Space Station, has recently recorded a video message for the United Nations office in Geneva, Switzerland, sending her greetings to women around the world on International Women's Day on March 8.

"I hope all girls with space dreams guard your vision of going to the sea of stars. One day, before you know it, when you look up, you will see that your dream is already within reach," Wang said.

"Women can all complete the same training as male astronauts. And many physical and psychological characteristics of women can play an advantage in space, being complementary to male astronauts," she said.

"I would like to thank every female for their selfless dedication, I also wish every female would pick the brightest stars for the lives in our own starry sky. "

Wang and two other astronauts went into space onboard the Shenzhou-13 spaceship and entered the space station on October 16, 2021.

Wang, who once dreamed of being a teacher, delivered a 40-minute open class, China's first live space lecture, in the Shenzhou-10 spaceship on June 20, 2013, to over 60 million schoolchildren across the country.

"I love to be a space teacher, facing the lovely children in front of the screen, including my daughter," Wang said in the video message.

Eight years later, she delivered another live space lecture in China's space station on December 9, 2021.
